

第一天会议举办了12场学术研讨报告。厦门大学闽江学者邱建贤教授、运用物理与计算数学研究所陈娟教授分别主持了该天的会议。来自美国布朗大学舒其望教授作了题为”Discontinuous Galerkin method for hyperbolic equations with singularities”的首场报告,然后各位学者分别就自己在该领域取得的最新相关成果进行了报告:陈娟教授”The high order positivity-preserving Lagrangian schemes for multi-material compressible flow”、中国石油大学高辉老师”Local DG method for coupled flow and reactive”、江苏师范大学刘建明老师”The application of h-adaptive Cartesian grid RKDG method for complex geometry and strong shock/obstacle interactions”、山东大学刘云贤老师”Error analysis of the semi-discrete local discontinuous Galerkin method for semiconductor device simulation models”、爱荷华州立大学阎珏老师”Maximum-principle-satisfying high order direct DG method for convection diffusion equations”、青岛大学李刚老师”Well-balanced WENO schemes for two-layer shallow water equations”Jennifer K.Ryan of University of East Anglia for “Computationally efficient position-dependent Smoothness increasing accuracy conserving filtering for discontinuous Galerkin approximations to nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws”、北京理工大学王成教授”Investigation on High resolution numerical simulation of explosion and impact problems”、南京大学张强教授”Energy analysis of the Runge-Kutta DG method for linear problems”、南京航空航天大学王春吴老师”An interface treating method for gas-water compressible and incompressible flows”、弗罗里达国际大学王为老师”High order finite difference method with subcell resolution for stiff”

520日,即会议第二天共举办了6场研讨会。北京理工大学王成教授、南京大学张强教授分别主持了会议。其报告内容如下:合肥科技大学吴强老师”A modified Baer-Nunziato models for the simulation of interfaces between different compressible fluids”、中国科技大学夏银华老师”Spectral method for Degasperis-Procesi equation”、中国海洋大学谢树森老师”High-order compact schemes for KdV and time fractional KdV equations”、美国田纳西州大学形异龙老师”Energy conserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for the wave propagation problems”、中国科技大学徐岩老师”A dissipation-rate reserving DG method for wave catching-up phenomena in a nonlinearly elastic composite bar”、密歇根里根大学徐正付老师”Parametrized maximum principle flux limiters for high order schemes solving hyperbolic conservation laws”

521日也举办了6场研讨报告。会议由美国休斯敦大学邱靖梅教授主持。报告内容分别为:邱靖梅教授”High-order asymptotic preserving discontinuous Galerkin schemes to discrete-velocity kinetic equations in a diffusive regime”、南京大学杨晓波老师”A moving mesh WENO method for one-dimensional conservation laws”、中国空气动力学研究与发展中心张树海老师”A new class of central compact schemes with spectral-like resolution I: linear schemes”、圣母院大学张勇涛老师”High order numerical methods with linear computational complexity for solving steady state problems of hyperbolic PDEs”、南京航空航天大学朱军老师”RKDG methods with WENO type limiters and conservative interfacial procedure for one-dimensional compressible multi-medium flow simulations”、南京邮电大学朱宏强老师”An h-adaptive RKDG method with troubled-cell indicators for hyperbolic conservation laws”
