学术报告:Combinatorics in Information-Theoretic Cryptograph



报告题目:Combinatorics in Information-Theoretic Cryptograph



摘要:Information-theoretic cryptography is an area that studies cryptographic functionalities whose security does not rely on hardness assumptions from computational intractability of mathematical problems. It covers a wide range of crypto research topics such as one time pad, authentication code, secret sharing schemes, secure multiparty computation,private information retrieval and post-quantum security, just to mention a few. Moreoevr, many areas in computational cryptography are well known to stem and/or benefit from information-theoretic methods. On the other hand, combinatorics has been playing an active role in cryptography, for example, the hardness of Hamiltonian cycle existence in graph theory is used to design zero-knowledge proof protocols. In this talk, I will focus on the connections between combiantorics and information-theoretic cryptography. After a brief and incomplete overview on their various connections, I will present a few concrete examples to illustrate how combinatorial objects and techniques are applied to the constructions and characterizations of information-theoretic schemes. Specially, I will show

1.      how perfect hash families and cover-free families give better performance in certain secret sharing schemes;

2.      how graph colouring from planar graphs is used in constructing secure multiparty computation protocols over non-abelian groups;

3.      how regular intersecting families are applied to the constructions of private information retrieval.

报告人简介:新加坡南洋理工大学副教授。1996年以色列海法大学获数学博士学位,2001年澳大利亚卧龙岗大学获计算机博士学位。主要从事密码学、信息安全、组合数学、编码理论和理论计算机科学等方面的研究工作,已发表论文100多篇,包括 J. Cryptology IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory Math. Comp.等著名期刊。2013年第五届亚洲数学大会特邀报告者之一,获得总数超过1200多万新加坡元(人民币近6000万元)的研究经费。

