学术报告:Subdivision Based Piecewise C2 Surfaces Construction for Meshes of Arbitrary Topology

报告人:Fuhua (Frank) Cheng教授


报告题目:Subdivision Based Piecewise C2 Surfaces Construction for Meshes of Arbitrary Topology



摘要:An approach to construct a C2-continuous surface for a mesh of arbitrary topology is presented in this talk. The construction process is subdivision surface based, with modification performed on extra-ordinary patches to ensure C2-continuity of the resulting surface. Implementation is easy because modification is patch-based. The resulting surface has an explicit expression of the form WMG for each extra-ordinary patch where W is a

parameter vector, M is aconstant matrix and G is the patch-wise control point vector. Therefore, computing derivatives, normals and curvatures for points in the domain of the given mesh is very easy and, consequently, the resulting surface is suitable for operations such as shape analysis, shape optimization, surface energy minimization, etc.


     Fuhua (Frank) Cheng, 男,美国Kentucky大学计算机科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师、Kentucky大学几何设计与造型实验室主任、台湾清华大学客座教授。担任《Computer-Aided Design & Applications 》,《Journal of Information and Computational Science》等国际学术杂志的编委。他是计算机图形学与计算机辅助几何设计领域的专家,也是算子逼近论领域的专家。作为多学科领域的专家,多年来他在其所研究领域有一系列开拓性的工作,创造了不少独特的理论与技术,发表了许多重要学术论文。学术成就杰出


