学术报告:Multi-scale diffuse interface modeling of multi-component two-phase flow with partial miscibility



报告题目:Multi-scale diffuse interface modeling of multi-component two-phase  flow  with partial miscibility




报告摘要:We introduce a diffuse interface model to simulate   multi-component two-phase  flow  with partial miscibility based on a realistic equation of state (e.g. Peng-Robinson equation of state).  Because of partial miscibility,  thermodynamic relations  are used to model not only interfacial properties but also bulk properties, including density, composition, pressure, and realistic viscosity. As far as we know, this effort is the first time to use diffuse interface modeling based on equation of state  for modeling of multi-component two-phase  flow  with partial miscibility.  In numerical simulation,  the key issue  is   to resolve the high contrast of scales from the microscopic interface composition  to macroscale bulk fluid motion since the interface has a nanoscale thickness only.  To efficiently solve this challenging  problem, we  develop a multi-scale  simulation method. At the microscopic scale, we deduce a reduced interfacial equation under  reasonable assumptions, and then we propose  a  formulation of capillary pressure, which is consistent  with  macroscale flow equations.  Moreover, we  show that  Young-Laplace equation is an approximation of this capillarity formulation, and  this formulation is also consistent with the concept of Tolman length, which is a correction of Young-Laplace equation. At the macroscopical scale,  the   interfaces are treated as discontinuous surfaces separating two phases of fluids. Our approach differs  from conventional sharp-interface two-phase flow model in that we use the capillary pressure directly instead of a combination of surface tension and Young-Laplace equation because  capillarity can be  calculated from our proposed capillarity formulation.  A compatible condition is also derived for the pressure in flow equations. Furthermore, based on the proposed capillarity formulation, we design an efficient numerical method for  directly computing the capillary pressure between two fluids composed of multiple components.  Finally, numerical tests are carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed multi-scale method.

报告人简介:寇继生,湖北工程学院数学与统计学院教授,硕士生导师。 2007年6月于武汉大学获得博士学位,2008 年获湖北省优秀博士论文奖。主要研究方向为多孔介质中的多相流和多组分流的数值模拟、非线性方程和方程组的数值方法以及大型稀疏非线性方程组的预处理方法及其在河流数值模拟中的应用。现已发表学术论文40多篇,多数被SCI收录。先后主持国家自然科学基金天元基金项目和国家自然科学基金青年项目,以及水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室开放基金项目、教育部自然科学重点项目等

