学术报告:Multigrid Methods for Two-dimensional Maxwell’s Equations Based on Hodge Decomposition



报告题目:Multigrid Methods for Two-dimensional Maxwell’s Equations Based on Hodge Decomposition

报告时间:2016年 6月 23日 16:00



报告摘要:In this work, we investigate the numerical solution for two-dimensional Maxwell’s equations on graded meshes. The approach is based on the Hodge decomposition. The solution u of Maxwell’s equations is approximated by solving standard second order elliptic problems. The quasi-optimal error estimates for both u and curl of u in the L2 norm are obtained on graded meshes. We then prove the uniform convergence of the W-cycle and full multigrid algorithms for the resulting discrete problems. The performance of these methods is illustrated by numerical results. Similar numerical approach can also be applied to solve the fourth order curl problems. 

报告人简介:崔金涛,博士,香港理工大学助理教授。2004年本科毕业于大连理工大学,2010年博士毕业于路易斯安那州立大学。曾任明尼苏达大学博士后(2010年-2012年),阿肯色大学小石城分校助理教授(2012年-2014年)。崔金涛博士的主要研究方向为偏微分方程数值解法、有限元方法、多重网格方法等;曾在Mathematics of Computation、 Numerische Mathematik、 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis、Journal of Scientific Computing 等计算数学领域高水平学术期刊上发表研究论文。