学术报告:Relations between spanning trees and others



报告题目:Relations between spanning trees and others




报告摘要:A spanning tree of a connected graph G is a connected spanning subgraph of G which has no cycles. Let T (G) be the set of spanning trees of G and  t(G) the number of spanning trees of G. The number  t (G) is an important value of the Tutte polynomial of G. It is equal to the order of the critical group of G and can be determined from the Laplacian matrix of G by taking some submatrix. The relation between spanning trees and other structures of graphs attracts an extensive study. In this talk, I will focus on introducing combinatorial relation between T (G) and other sets such as the set of maximum matchings in some graphs constructed from G, the set of G-parking functions of G and so on.

报告人简介:新加坡南洋理工大学副教授,国际著名的色根研究专家。新加坡国立大学博士,曾在新西兰和加拿大从事研究工作。主要研究图多项式,尤其擅长色多项式的研究,近年开始从事拟阵论和纽结研究。现已发表研究论文60多篇,很多发表在组合论国际顶尖刊物JCTB上,出版专著一部(F.M. Dong, K.M. Koh, K.L. Teo, Chromatic polynomials and chromaticity of graphs, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005.)。由于在色根的研究方面的出色成果,董教授曾应邀到英国剑桥大学工作访问并作主旨发言.
