学术报告:Higher order numerical method for elliptic multiscale partial differential equations

报告人  :明平兵研究员


报告题目:Higher order numerical method for elliptic multiscale partial differential equations

报告时间:2016年01月21日 下午16:00




I will report our recent effort on the construction of higher order numerical method for elliptic multiscale partial differential equations. An online-office method based on a local least-squares reconstruction of the effective matrix is proposed. The reconstruction exploits the data retrieved from the solutions of the cell problems, which can be solved by spectral method to arbitrarily higher order. The error estimate of the proposed method is analyzed in the framework of heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM). Numerical examples that include 2d/3d elliptic problem with multiscale coefficients as well as problem posed on concave domain will be reported



